Tuesday 14 October 2008

"He'd only do it once" 1992

This film is very intrigueing in that its elements are not stable, so you cannot feel comfortable as an audience. I find the film hard to watch, and dont particularly enjoy it for this matter. The film opens in black and white, with scratchy footage that feels as though it is very old. The first shot is over the shoulder of a young man, into a mirror, we see his smart jacket and his face under his hat. The camera then moves forward so we can no longer see his shoulder and becomes an MCU in the mirror. We see his worn face and tired complexion. The character walks away from the mirror and the shot cuts to a tracking shot alongside as he walks. Light is very directional and clearly very closely behind the camera by the way it glares across the sreen, there is much use of natural light as the camera follows the character walk across the room. We get a point of view shot as the character leaves his house, steadicam is used here, but the steps give a feeling of unsteadiness in the way he walks. As the man walks along the street colour inobviously fills the screen.
There is a poster on a tree, a picture of a knife, which could be a leading connotation of crime or danger. As we realise colour is now all over the screen, we notice a dark blue wash over the screen. On screen there is use of foliage in the corners and figures and objects of interest take away direction from the character walking down the road.
We suddenly hear a bang, clearly added in later as only the main actor seems to react to it. Possibly meaning that the other persons within the shot are not actually actors or aware of what is going on. There is a swish pan as the man looks about. Music slowly starts to come in in an ery tone. The man then suddenly starts to run and there is a freeze shot, showing an establishing shot. This freeze is set as the credits start to roll along the bottom. On screen we see the person's body language, we see his fear and confussion. His costume is jeans and a brown working jacket. The surrounding people are dressed in 80s style so the man looks out of place. The road is empty and houses and trees line the frame. The sudden speed up of movement and music create excitement and then with the use of a freeze shot creates engima and hooks the audience to continue viewing.

1 comment:

c_fernandez said...


This is not a complete analysis. you also need to have done two by now, following the questions in the booklet.

You must catch up on this properly and it must be complete by the final deadline - see me if you are not sure.