Friday 9 January 2009

Evaluation complete

We have now completed our DVD extra and I believe that it could be improved in some ways because as Jamie said in the last update, we were both quite disappointed as we were unable to say everything that we wanted to in the evaluation because it would have made it ridiculously long. We also struggled to find enough footage to go with the speech but I think we did quite well if I am entirely honest. We exported it as a DVD file into a folder within the main datadisk of the computer. This meant that we were able to backup the file on the computer and we would be able to take a copy of it for ourselves so that we could watch it at home. This is because it is a PAL file and it is compatible with many forms of technology and it can be used as a default for our work.

Monday 5 January 2009

Rounding off our coursework

We are now in the final week of our coursework and today I am working alone as Scott is ill.

I've done plenty of moving around and adjusting titles and subtitles as they were placed hanging off the image, so I've corrected that.

I don't know about Scott, but I expect he will feel like me and be disappointed with the Evaluation task. We neither had the time or the footage to commit to this section as we did for our filming pieces. This slightly disheartened us but we battled on and managed to cover our timeline, which seems to fit quite well with what is on our oratory section.

some sections dont neccaserily flow with what is being said but the subtitles give a clear description of what the audience should understand which makes it work.

I feel if we had more time and more footage we could have made it so much better, but we have worked hard with what we have to produce a piece to the best of our ability.

Evaluation starting

We started evaluation work as soon as we had finished the main coursework piece.
We wrote the script and had it checked and made it better a few times before we decided to go ahead with the piece. Our initial place of filming was in the original building of the school, in a language room. We found that this was not very good as there was much background noise and voices echoed.
This disrupted our time left to capture footage and sound. We decided to start putting images and sounds onto our premiere file timeline where we thought things would sit on the script.
Eventually we used a small room that was practically silent. This worked wonders for our sound, so we decided to do the voiceover there and then. Our technician suggested putting the camera in a hat so that the microphone didnt pick up all round sound, this made it sound like speaking directly into a vocal microphone. Somehow though, it made my voice sound odd. I'm part Scottish (distantly) so haven't really got a southern accent but it is still very much english, however my voice didnt sound scottish it actually sounded like Cornwall in Scott's opinion. We carried on in this light, knowing that it might sound odd but in the end it seemed to be success.
We didnt have as much footage as we needed to cover our timeline, so we used shots that we didnt include in final pieces and repeated some scenes, leaning on different parts of it each time.
Eventually we covered our whole timeline and seemed to have covered all neccasery areas, as jumbled up and non flowing as it may be.

Dare To Dream-Done

We have finished our main coursework and it was handed in on time.
We are very pleased with the results and it also means that we had a clear run into our DVD extra evaluation.
People whom we have shown the video to are very impressed with it and now say they can understand what is happening, as such have asked if we are making the rest of the film (which we are not).