Tuesday 2 December 2008

Problems during the shoots and who did what

During the shoots, we had minor issues like people walking through our shots in the woods, vehicles in the background and people laughing in class.
Such issues were overcome by taking multiple shots of each frame, giving us three or four copies effectively of our storyboard. This was incredibly helpful, as not only did it avoid problems, it gave us options to choose from when putting our sequence together, which meant we could choose which piece of action we prefered, the shot with the better framing and gave us the opportunity to remove anomolies without having to reshoot or cut ourselves short.
Rain was a problem on one of our shoots, but we made sure we protected ourselves and the equipment by using its bag and covering it with jumpers etc where appropriate, we made sure we had protective clothing on whilst traveling through the woods, to keep us warm, dry and safe from extending branches.

During the woods scene, I directed the shoot and was the main character, Scott did almost all of the filming as he was usually off camera. I did some shots for example the POV shot walking towards the fist shaped rock. Most of the shots I did were taken out, as we prefered the shots of my character in the sequence, rather than when i was not, so we only kept my shots where appropriate. The shots where I find Scott dead in the rocks, were shot by our makeup artist, whom made scott look dead and me gradually more worn and scared.
(Scott did most of the blood on me, and when attempting to do my neck, he applied to much pressure and it shot down my shirt, I was not impressed as I thought it had ruined my shirt (which it didnt) but when it came to it, it actually looked really good.

In the school scene, again I directed it, I set the room up how I wanted it, put all the props in correct places and directed the extras where they had to be and what they should be doing. Scott filmed this section as he did not want to be on film and decided he would like to use the more advanced equipment we were given to work with.
We had a couple of problems with this scene which was overcome by the fact that we took multiple shots, one problem was unsteady panning shots, and another was too much light coming through the windows, which we overcome by pulling down the cream coloured blinds, which look good becuase the give a silloutte of the surrounding building.

Editing wise, I have done most of it, Scott captured the footage and it was my role to cut and edit what we had. We removed the entire sound section from our woods shot and decided to add sound in ourself. This was neccasery because we had a railway crane and a car in the background that sounded really stupid within our footage. It was a shame becuase it is difficult to make sounds follow the footage we have, as movement changes pace often and rapidly.
Scott and I have found soundtracks that we like, and have sought advice and criticism from Jason the technician which has helped greatly.

These sound track will be downloaded and captured by Scott and then we will work together to insert them with the work we have so far.

Our deadline is friday so we are both putting in whatever time we have to ensure that we have made our opening sequence the best we can. I am editing furiously, chopping up film and trying to conform to the conventions of our hybridised genre.
Scott is working hard as the producer, ensuring that all our paperwork is in order and advising me on what he thinks would look better and how to improve certain things.

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