Tuesday 4 November 2008

Pitch Evaluation

In the last lesson before the term break, Scott and I delivered our pitch to the class.
We found this a successful event, as not only did it give our class mates an idea of what we intend to do, but it gave us a chance to express our ideas and deliver them in linear form. This allowed us to realise exactly what we intend to do as it is no longer mixed up in our minds.
Our pitch was basically the two of us talking in a relaxed fashion, delivering to the class our intentions. I created a powerpoint presentation to create the foundations of our speech. This had a few basic slides, coloured and styled with teen and horror motifs, allowing the persons of our audience to get into the mood of our setting.
We delivered our synopsis, treatment and one liner. We also showed the class our reccie shots from the woods and rocks, this was well accepted by the class and the teacher said they were ideal locations.
We got some positive feedback from our pitch, people liked the plot, the locations, the characters and the idea in general. We only got one down comment, this was about our working title as it is too long and is more like a sentance than a catchy title.

Our pitch was successful in my opinion as it gave us a chance to air our ideas, get them in line, see what is to be accepted and where we can improve. Since delivering our pitch and looking at the feedback, we have been able to start our storyboard and piece together a script and screenplay.

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