Thursday 6 November 2008

Questionaire Analysis

This analysis has been posted rather late, even though we touched on it in our pitch. We went round to the various people within our target demographic who would be willing to answer a questionaire and got some interesting responses.
We used a variety of questions that were mainly quick answer, because we didnt want to have to spend a long time asking long answer questions that people didnt have time to think about.

We found that:
people that enjoyed Horror also liked these genres: action, gangster,comedy.
people that enjoyed Teen liked: action, comedy, sci-fi.

They liked:
Tense, eeire music that had tempo and texture that suited the nature of the drama.

We gave a selection of names for the film, the target audience chose:
"Daydreams can hurt you" although comments suggest that the name is not long enough or enigmatic.

For teen location, they suggested:
lockers, woods, school, outside school, bedroom, parties, dates, campsite.
For horror:woods, campsites, church, desolate houses, cemetry

What would you expect in the protagonist?
Honesty, caring, compassion, mischievous,helpful.
From the antogonist?
Sadistic, psychotic, dishonest, scary.

We concluded that of lots of options given, the same conventions were popping up, enabling us to work out exactly what is required from the target audience to create a popular film.

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