Monday 24 November 2008

Shoot #2 - "Classroom"

We shot our in class shoot last week. This was the only part of the footage that we wanted to keep the natural sound of. So we found the appropriate looking classroom that did not have computers buzzing in the background.
Our teacher decided that she'd rather not be in our shot, as it was unfair to have skilled actors in one shot but not all the others.
As such, our media technician was the acting teacher and was given directions on how we wanted his performance, but we asked him to talk naturally to make the sound flow. We got the class to act as we wanted them to, but had to retake shoots as we all laughed at the unexpected topic that he spoke about.
At the end of the shoot we captured the footage and were very pleased with what we got. We now have all of our footage and have almost finished our rough cut. So now we can piece together what we have, Scott and I are very happy with out footage and we feel positive at the prospect of our two week deadline.

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